Hey everyone, I hope you are doing well and had a good weekend, have a great week ahead. Today’s post I will be doing a tarot reading for October and in the spirit of spooky seaon I thought it was only right I use this deck to do this tarot reading. The last thing I want to say before we start on this reading, I can feel that October is going to be your guy’s month, things are happening this month, like shit is going to happen and things are getting done!

I am hearing that there is someone in your life who is keeping a secret from you, this person is not totally honest with you. With the ten of cups here upright I am getting from spirit that the person that is keeping a secret from you, wants to come forward with their feelings and offer you commitment, This is going to be easy and blissful love in this relationship things just come easy it’s like things just fall into place. Wow, this relationship is what you have been waiting for I just feel like it’s true love here. With the king of wands reversed you will have some high expectations from this relationship just because of your past and the hurt you have been through.

With the wheel of fortune card here I see that for some of you guys, this is a turning point maybe you have had some bad luck lately and things have not been going as you thought you had imagined. Well, that’s all going to change this month is going to be so lucky for you your bad luck is no more. With this new luck things will be changing in your life and will be changing past, just don’t forget that change is good and is necessary to grow. For some of you, I see some traveling might be presenting itself to you.

That’s all for your October reading. I hope you all enjoyed reading what I think October is going to bring to you guys. If this reading resonted please let me know in a comment below, I love hearing your guy’s feedback on my posts here. I will talk to you all soon.

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